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6 Filipino Mom Behaviors that Drive Purchase in 2024

Filipino moms spend a lot and they always make sure to spend well.

As homemakers, moms are a powerful driving force behind household purchases. From baby care products to beauty essentials to household cleaning necessities — moms are a valuable market for various industries and provide many opportunities for brands and marketers to latch on.

Marketers need to understand how moms think, behave, and react if they want to reach them at their touchpoints. Moms are not just mothers — they’re also household managers, teachers, housekeepers, and employees and business owners. They’re the ultimate multitaskers who are busy 24/7 and with their tight schedule and many responsibilities, it’s a challenge for brands to cut through the noise.

How do you connect to moms and stay on top of their priorities? Here are some insights into the behavior of Filipino moms as consumers based on our research.

Filipino moms are now more value-conscious. 

With inflation on the horizon since the pandemic, 67% of Filipino moms in 2023 remain concerned about the growing prices of commodities according to a Kantar survey. They’ve become more careful and value-conscious in their purchasing decisions and prioritize the following before choosing any product: quality, price, and product reviews

FMCG purchases remain a top priority for moms. 

According to a Kantar 2023 report, FMCG purchases continue to be at the top of Filipino moms’ shopping lists, but there’s a shift when it comes to brand loyalty. To manage their budget efficiently, moms would resort to switching or mixing brands. 

In this age of inflation, brands and marketers must offer compelling value propositions to rise above their competitors and reach moms. 

Moms shop for products online as they would in grocery stores. 

Compared to our Southeast Asian neighbors, only 35% of Filipino moms shop online. Most millennial moms (aged 25-39 years old) use Shopee as their go-to online shopping platform, but many still use other platforms such as Lazada, Facebook, and Instagram.

When shopping for groceries such as diapers, baby care, and diapers, 30% of Filipino moms admitted that they visit a category and browse through the products. It’s essentially the same as how they would browse a supermarket or grocery store aisle. 

76% browse parenting-related content online.

Fifty-three percent (53%) of Filipino moms enjoy reading educational tips and facts. They value parenting-related content and get this information from websites, social media, friends and family, and doctors. 

This only proves that parenting content is evergreen and moms are constantly seeking new parenting information. They are also seeking reassurance that their current practices are good. 

Aside from parenting-related content, moms spend much of their time online reading baby product reviews, messaging friends and family, and streaming/watching videos. 

Free shipping and promo bundles drive moms’ purchasing decisions. 

Moms value convenience. As busy homemakers, moms appreciate anything that simplifies their daily tasks. Thus, free shipping remains one of the primary purchase drivers for many Filipino moms. 

Moms are enticed to shop online when there are promo bundles and free shipping available. Sixty-three point nine percent (63.9%) of moms are likely to buy household products via live selling if these include a Buy 1 Take 1 promo. 

Moms gain a lot of support from mommy community groups.

It takes a village to raise a baby. According to a study done by The Asian Parent in 2022, 46% percent of Filipino moms love sharing and reading personal stories/experiences with fellow moms — there’s no other person who can understand them better than another mom. 

Mommy community groups provide two things: a support system and a resource of information. These community groups serve as a safe space; moms often suffer from post-partum depression and anxiety and could benefit from the advice and support from other moms. 

With these factors in mind, you can optimize your content strategy to engage better with moms. If you want to learn more and see how TALI can help you improve your mom-focused marketing efforts, contact our team at inquiries@tali.ph or hello@tali.ph



